GRANT OF THE MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN: "Development of biological control of the Codling moth Laspeyresia pomonella L. and lepidoptera pests of apple trees using entomophages, pheromones and biological preparations"

ИРН: АР 09259748

Scientific novelty and significance of the project

Among the entire species diversity of the complex of harmful arthropods associated with apple plantations, and their total amount is more than 250 names, according to indicators of economic significance, only a group of  carpophage lepidopteran species dominates, and among them the apple fruitworm Laspeyresia pomonella L. (class Lepidoptera, family Tortricidae) stands out. Phytophagus really dominates among other species in terms of harmfulness. The caterpillars of the fruit beetle damage the fruits, and at the same time reduce the harvest by up to 80%. A historical digression in retrospect of 50 years into the essence of the problem showed that despite radical changes in the structure of varieties, a large assortment of insecticides, the presence of about 140 species of entomophages – the species still dominates in all areas of fruit growing and the main insecticidal treatments in apple orchards are carried out only against this species. Despite significant technical progress in all branches of horticultural activity, the availability of highly toxic, including hormonal drugs, it is not possible to guarantee the protection of gardens. The essence of this phenomenon is explained by the exceptional feature of the fruit moth and its amazing ecological adaptability to the action of various stress factors. A secretive lifestyle, expressed concern for offspring and, for the first time, the ability of the species to secondary learning are the main factors of the dominance of the fruit moth in apple orchards. Given the current trends related to the greening of the industry, as well as taking into account the requirements for crop quality, the relevance of such studies based on the use of alternative technologies of a predominantly biological nature is obvious. The technologies provide for the settlement of laboratory cultures of trichogramma and other entomophages of adapted populations.

защита растений

The purpose: 

Develop and implement a biological protection system against the codling moth (Laspeyresia pomonella L.) and other lepidoptera pests of the apple tree in the south-east of Kazakhstan.

Expected results:

1. The search for local populations of specialized entomophages (parasites and predators) of the codling moth and other lepidoptera pests will be carried out in the gardens of the south-east of Kazakhstan and in the mountain forests on the Sivers apple tree; 

2. Methods for monitoring the codling moth and its entomophages will be developed and improved with the mandatory use of agro-climatic indicators and calculation of their parameters (heat content, SET); 

3. The dynamics of the summer of the codling moth, threshold levels, treatment terms will be determined and studied phenology of the complex of lepidoptera pests of the orchards; 

4. The technology of disorientation of males of the codling moth will be introduced to reduce its number in orchards; 

5. A biological system of protection of the orchard will be developed and implemented, with the use of pheromones, the settlement of entomophages and the use of biologics to regulate the number of phytophages.

Results of project:

A search was carried out for local populations of specialized entomophages (parasites, predators) of the codling moth and other lepidoptera pests in orchards of the south-east of Kazakhstan and in the mountain forests on the Sivers apple tree. The species composition of the phytophages identified during the search is represented by 227 species, including 54 species of lepidoptera pests. The species composition of the local populations of entomophages identified in apple orchards and wild fruit forests includes 247 species, 33 of which are specialized lepidoptera parasites.

A specialized codling moth entomophagus Mattress cridens has been identified, which is a promising parasite for breeding and use against codling moth in orchards .


Head of the projects, PhD: Beknazarova Z.B.

Leading Researcher, C.B.S.: Kopzhasarov B.K.

Leading Researcher, C.B.S.: Isina Zh.M.

Leading Researcher, C.B.S.:  Temreshev I.I.

Senior Research Scientist:  Chadinova A.M.

Senior Research Scientist:  Shanimov H. I.

Senior Research Scientist:  Sarbasova A.M.

Research Scientist:  Koigeldina A.E.

Research Scientist: Nugmanov B.B.

Research Scientist: Naimanova B. Zh.

Junior Research Scientist: Jubatova E.A.