Department direction
The main areas of research are aimed at solving some of the following tasks:
- Preservation, replenishment and development of collections of entomopathogenic microorganisms and living cultures of entomophagues bioagents.
- Transfer and search for local collections of entomophageus species, their mass breeding and application in biological protection against pests of agricultural crops.
- Introduction of biological technology for the protection of vegetable crops and cotton jointly working with farmers
- Development of methodological recommendations for stock cultures breeding of entomophages and assessment when they are put into production.
- Commercialization of proposals developed for the implementation of a complex of biological measures (bioagents, biological products, pheromone traps, growth stimulants) on various crops.
The mission is
To protect plants and plantings using the forces of nature itself and the management of the phytosanitary state of ecosystems through the integrated use of various safe technologies and methods of plant protection in order to ensure the phytosanitary security of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The strategic goal is
To develop an integrated plant protection system against harmful organisms in order to reduce the pesticide burden on agrophytocenoses and scientific support of plant quarantine for the biological, ecological and food security of the country
- Scientific research of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2015-2017 was carried out within the framework of the budget program 217 “Development of Science”, subprogram 102 “Grant financing of scientific research”, on the topic of project 4165/GF4 “Reconstruction of the dynamics of defoliation of wild apple trees in the Trans-Ili and Zhongar Alatau”
- Scientific research of the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2018-2020 was carried out within the framework of the budget program: 217 “Development of Science”, subprogram 102 “Grant financing of scientific research”, priority: “Life and Health Sciences”, on the project topic: No. AR05134299 “Monitoring of populations of stem pests (Scolytinae) on the endemic spruce Shrenka in the Trans-Ili Alatau.
Completed and current projects
“Study of the species composition of coniferous and leaf-eating pests and development of a system of protective measures in the forests of the Ore Altai of the East Kazakhstan region” Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
“Assessment of the influence of climate and phytopathogens on the growth of the Tien Shan spruce in order to develop measures to combat the use of new biologics from bark beetles in the mountain forests of the Trans-Ili Alatau” MES RK;
“Improvement of complex methods of crop and land protection from harmful and quarantine organisms and toxicological assessment for various regions of Kazakhstan” event:
“Development of technology for mass breeding and colonization of bioagents against pests of vegetable crops of protected soil” Research Institute of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
GF 217 “Study of the potential of practical application of insect entomophages for biological protection of vegetable crops from arthropod pests” MES RK;
4165/GF4 “Reconstruction of the dynamics of defoliation of wild apple trees in the Zailiysky and Zhongarsky Alatau” MES RK;
“Innovative scientific and technical support of phytosanitary safety in the Republic of Kazakhstan” task 4: Development and implementation of innovative environmentally friendly plant protection technologies. GWA MES RK.
No. AR 05134585 “Development and implementation of technologies for mass breeding and application of basic entomoacariphages to protect vegetable crops of protected soil from pests in order to ensure the safety of agricultural products” MES RK;
No. AR05134299 “Monitoring of populations of stem pests (Scolytinae) on the Shrenka spruce endemic in the Trans-Ili Alatau” MES RK;
170-17-GC “Organization of production and sale of elite planting material of turang poplar and poplar hybrids of Kazakhstan selection based on the use of biotechnological methods of clonal micro-reproduction and agrotechnical methods of cultivation with an integrated system of protection against pests and diseases, JSC “Science Foundation” RK;
“Transfer, adaptation and implementation of advanced technologies for the control of quarantine and especially dangerous harmful organisms to ensure phytosanitary safety of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan”. GWA MES RK.
In 2021-2023 according to the program: “Development and improvement of integrated protection systems for fruit, vegetable, grain, fodder, legumes and quarantine plants”.
Scientific and technical program BR10764907-OT-21 “Development of organic farming technologies for growing crops, taking into account the specifics of regions, digitalization and export” on the task: “Development of a complex of biologized protective measures for the production of organic farming”
Labs of biological plant protection department

Mukhamadiev Nurzhan Serikkanuly

Adilkhanqyzy Ainur
Head of the biotechnology lab

Mendibayeva Gulnaz Zhetkergenqyzy
Head of the beneficial insects lab

Alpysbayeva Karlygash Azirbekovna
Head of the technologies of mass bioagents production lab