Joint project with FAO

FAO calls for integrated pest management to reduce risks to human health and the environment Every year, farmers face pest and disease problems that negatively impact crops and their quality. Improper pesticide use caused by insufficient pest control knowledge and skills can lead to an increased risk of resistance in major pests and negative impacts […]
Interview of institute specialists to the crew

more – about institute – interview 2-ЧАСТЬ. KAZAKH RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF PLANT PROTECTION AND QUARANTINE The scientists of our institute carried out laboratory tests of domestic biological preparations Rizovit-AKS ® , Phytobatsirin ® , Phosphobatsirin ® and Plantobacterin ® of Kazakhstan production, manufactured at the plant of the Industrial Microbiology company. As part of the […]
Roundtable discussion of young scientists

roundtable discussion: “Seed production on the example of NSHS (National Seed Health System, Iowa, USA)” Earlier in our social networks, we introduced you to the leading researcher of the biotechnology laboratory Shokanova Akmaral and told you more about her internship at the University of Iowa. Akmaral, who arrived with a huge amount of knowledge, gladly […]
Science of Plant protection replenished with a new PhD!

Congratulations to Alpysbayeva Karlygash Azirbekovna on receiving the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the specialty “Plant Protection” We sincerely congratulate Alpysbaeva Karlygash Azirbekovna, head of the laboratory of mass production of bioagents, on the successful defense of her dissertation on the topic “Protection of cotton from Lepidoptera in the conditions of Southern Kazakhstan […]

Please send your resume to this email: or contact us : +77014457161 Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and quarantine is looking for: Head Researcher Biotechnology Lab, The department of Biological Plant Protection More өсімдік қорғау Старший научный сотрудник Лаборатория энтомологии, отдел интегрированной защиты растений Подробнее Лаборант – водитель Лаборатория фитопатологии, отдел интегрированной защиты […]
Panel discussion of entomologists

Panel discussion of entomologists On December 21 of this year, young scientists of the Entomology Laboratory of the Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and Quarantine named after Zh. Zhiembayev organized a panel discussion. DEEP IMMERSION IN THE SCIENCE OF “ENTOMOLOGY” The first and foremost, the concept of entomology was considered at the meeting. Researcher […]

INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS 9 December, 2022 Almaty, Kazakhstan On December 9, 2022, an international scientific and practical conference of young scientists was held on the topic: “Integrated plant protection system: state and prospects”, dedicated to the memory of Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Scientific Secretary Alma Bekbolatovna Zhanarbekova. Resolution Program Since 2006, Alma Bekbolatovna […]
Winner of the competition “Best Specialist of the Year of the Republic of Kazakhstan”

The Best specialist of Kazakhstan – 2022 Winner of the competition “The Best Specialist of the Year of the Republic of Kazakhstan” According to the results of the competition, the head of the department of integrated plant protection – Kopzhasarov Bakyt Kenzhekozhaevich was awarded the badge “Best Specialist of the Year of the Republic of […]
Scientific internship at KazRIPPQ

Scientific internship at KazRIPPQ Advanced technologies in plant protection and quarantine Scientific internship of an employee Scientific internship is not only the training of the trainee, but also the exchange of experience, ideas and knowledge between specialists of both organizations. This is a great opportunity to form and strengthen ties between organizations for further cooperation […]

INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE OF YOUNG SCIENTISTS “INTEGRATED PLANT PROTECTION SYSTEM: STATE AND PROSPECTS” We are pleased to inform you that on December 9, 2022, the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “Integrated Plant Protection System: State and Prospects” will be held, organized by the Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and […]