The Department of Integrated Plant Protection was organized in 2022 to ensure phytosanitary and food security of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The Department of Integrated Plant Protection includes laboratories of entomology, phytopathology and herbology.
The main activity of the department is the development and implementation of integrated plant protection systems against pests, diseases and weeds.
The mission is
Development and implementation of an integrated plant protection system against harmful organisms to produce environmentally friendly agricultural products.
The goal is
ntroduction, commercialization of the results of scientific and technical activities and publication of scientific articles at the world level.
2021 – 2023 BP 217 MES RK on the topic: “Development of technology for biological control of the apple moth Laspeyresia pomonella L. and lepidoptera pests of apple trees using entomophages, pheromones and biological preparation”
- Innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 27409 dated 09/24/2013 “Method of increasing the regeneration and reproduction activity of apple trees of the Aport variety in vitro”.
- Innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 27410 dated 09/24/2013 “Method of increasing the survival rate of explants of apple trees of the Aport variety when introduced into tissue culture”.
- Innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 28280 dated 19.03.2014 A way to control harmful organisms on cucumbers. Authors: Sagitov A.O., Dzhaimurzina A.A., Karbozova R.D., Eszhanov T.K.
- Innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 28887 dated 08/21/2014 “Zinc fungicide preparation and method of its preparation”. Authors: Utepov D.K., Dzhaymurzina A.A., Sagitov A.O., Duisembekov B.A., Kenesov B.N., Dikhanbayev A.B.
- Innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 28888 dated 08/21/2014. Iron-copper-zinc fungicidal preparation and method of preparation. Authors: Utepov D.K., Dzhaymurzina A.A., Sagitov A.O., Duisembekov B.A., Kenesov B.N., Dikhanbayev A.B.
- Innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 28889 dated 08/21/2014 “Zinc fungicide preparation and method of its preparation”. Authors: Utepov D.K., Dzhaymurzina A.A., Sagitov A.O., Duisembekov B.A., Kenesov B.N., Dikhanbayev A.B.
- Innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 28890 dated 08/21/2014. Iron-copper-zinc fungicidal (alkaline) preparation and method of preparation. Authors: Utepov D.K., Dzhaymurzina A.A., Sagitov A.O., Duisembekov B.A., Kenesov B.N., Dikhanbayev A.B.
- Innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 28978 dated 23.09.2014. Iron-copper-zinc fungicidal (alkaline) preparation and method of preparation. Authors: Dzhaymurzina A.A., Sagitov A.O.,
- Innovation patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 28979 dated 23.09.2014. A method for disinfecting seeds with protective and stimulating compounds. Authors: Dzhaymurzina A.A., Sagitov A.O., Moralieva Z.Z., Kopzhasarov B.K.
- Innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 31008 dated 15.04.2016 “Method for diagnosing quarantine disease – bacterial burn on fruit crops”. Authors Dzhaymurzina A.A., Sagitov A.O., Morialieva Zh.Z., Kopzhasarov B.K.
- Innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 31015 dated.15.04.2016 “Method of protecting apple orchards from weevils (Coleoptera, Curculionidae)”. Authors Drozda V.F., Sagitov A.O., Goychuk A.F., Kopzhasarov B.K., Sarbasova A.M.
- Innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 31007 dated 04/15/2016 “A method for combating fusarium wilt and gnawing scoops on vegetable-melon crops”. Authors: Dzhaymurzina A.A., Sagitov A.O., Eszhanov T.K., Morialieva Zh.Z., Kopzhasarov B.K.
- Innovative patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for invention No. 31006 dated 15.04.2016 “Method of combating harmful organisms on crops cultivated by seedling method”. Authors: Dzhaymurzina A.A., Sagitov A.O., Eszhanov T.K., Morialieva Zh.Z., Kopzhasarov B.K.
- Innovative patent for the invention. No..31014 dated 03/16/2016. Authors: Drozda V.F., Sagitov A.O., Goychuk A.F., Kopzhasarov B.K. “Method for controlling the number and harmfulness of the cotton scoop (Helicoverpa armigera)”.
- Innovative patent for invention No. 30925 dated 03/15/2016 “A method for protecting industrial crops from gnawing scoops (lepidoptera, noctuidea)”. Authors: Drozda V.F., Sagitov A.O., Goychuk A.F., Kopzhasarov B.K., Dzhumanova Zh.K.
- Innovative patent for invention No. 31011 dated 04/15/2016 “A method for protecting non-flexible grape bushes from low temperatures”. Authors: Oleichenko S.N., Sagitov A.O., Kopzhasarov B.K.
- Innovative patent No. 31213 dated 21.05.2016. “A method of increasing primary rhizogenic activity and combating pathogenic infections of planting material”. Authors: Oleichenko S.N., Sagitov A.O., Kopzhasarov B.K.
- Utility model patent No. 1470 dated 05/19/2016 “Method of protecting fruit plantations from eastern fruitworm (Grapholitha molesta Busck.)”. Authors: Drozda V.F., Sagitov A.O., Shevchenko T.V., Kopzhasarov B.K., Beknazarova Z.B.
- Utility model patent No. .1533 dated 08.07.2016 “Method of protecting agrocenoses of nightshade crops from the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say)”. Authors: Drozda V.F., Goychuk A.F., Ibatullin I.I., Sagitov A.O., Kopzhasarov B.K., Kaldybekkyzy G., Ismailov V.Ya., Agasyeva I.S., Nefedova M.V.
- Utility model patent No. 1424 dated 04/15/2016 “Method of protecting berry bushes from dominant phytophages”. Authors: Drozda V.F., Kocherga M.A., Sagitov A.O., Kopzhasarov B.K., Amirkulova A.Zh
- Utility model patent No. 1422 dated 04/15/2016 “Method of protecting seed orchards from apple moth Laspeyresia Pomonella L.”. Authors: Drozda V.F., Lakida P.I., Sagitov A.O., Kopzhasarov B.K., Sarbasova A.M.
- Utility model patent No. 1469. “A method of protecting vegetable crops from litho-gnawing scoops of Lepidoptera, Noctuidae”. Authors: Drozda V.F., Sagitov A.O., Zagayko O.I., Kopzhasarov B.K.
- Utility model patent No. 1507. “A method of protecting perennial plantings from the American white butterfly (Hyphantria cunea Drury.).” Authors: Drozda V.F., Ibatullin I.I., Goychuk A.F., Sagitov A.O., Kopzhasarov B.K.
- Utility model patent No. 1533 dated 29.07.2016. “A method of protecting agrocenoses of nightshade crops from the Colorado beetle leptinotarsa decemlineata say.”. Authors Drozda V.F., Ibatullin I.I., Goychuk A.F., Sagitov A.O., Kopzhasarov B.K., Kaldybekkyzy G., Ismailov V.Ya., Agasyeva I.S., Nefedova M.V.
- Utility model patent No. 1532ot 29.07.2016. “A way to protect seed orchards from tetranich mites.” Authors: Drozda V.F., Ibatullin I.I., Goychuk A.F., Sagitov A.O., Kopzhasarov B.K., Iskendirova R.A., Soltanbekov S.S.
- Utility model patent No. 1614 dated 31.08.2016 “Method of biological protection of tree plantations from the American white butterfly (Hyphantria cypea Drury). Authors: Drozda V.F., Ibatullin I.I., Goychuk A.F., Sagitov A.O., Kopzhasarov B.K., Iskendirova R.A., Kaldybekkyzy G.
- Utility model patent No. 1685. “A method of protecting tomato plantations from the mining moth Tutaabsoluta Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae)”. Authors: Drozda V.F., Kocherga M.A., Sagitov A.O., Kopzhasarov B.K.
- Utility model patent No. 1684. “A method of transferring the population of the tomato mining moth Tutaabsoluta Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) to a depressed state.” Authors: Drozda V.F., Kocherga M.A., Sagitov A.O., Kopzhasarov B.K.
- Utility model patent No. 1714. “The method of protection of Aronia prunus (Aronia melanocarpa Michx. Elliot.) from harmful organisms”. Authors: Drozda V.F., Shevchenko V.A., Sagitov A.O., Zagayko O.I., Kopzhasarov B.K., Kaldybekkyzy G.
- Utility model patent No. 1715. “A method of protecting plantings of aronia pruniflora (Aroniamelanocarpa Michx. Elliot.) from harmful arthropods.” Authors: Drozda V.F., Sagitov A.O., Kopzhasarov B.K.
- Utility model patent No. 1716. “A method of protecting plantings of aronia prunus (Aroniamelanocarpa Michx. Elliot.) from fungal phytopathogens”. Authors: Drozda V.F., Sagitov A.O., Kopzhasarov B.K.
- Utility model patent No. 2056. “A method for protecting tomato plantings from a complex of phytophages”. Authors: Drozda V.F., Ibatullin I.I., Sagitov A.O., Kopzhasarov B.K.
- RK patent for utility model No. 5375 dated November 25, 2020. A method of protecting seed orchards from apple (Laspeyresia Pomonella L.) and oriental (Grapholita molesta Busck.) fruitworms.
- Patent of the Republic of Kazakhstan for utility model No. 5887, 02/26/2021. “Method of comprehensive measures to combat quarantine disease bacterial burn of fruit crops” Authors: Dzhaymurzina A.A., Kopzhasarov B. K., Uspanov A.M., Umiralieva Z. Z., Eszhanov T. K., Beknazarova Z. B.
- Ismailova E.T., Shanimov H.I., Isina Zh.M., Kopzhasarov B.K., Alimkulov D.I., Yessimov A.D. Protection of the vine from pests and diseases. Almaty, 2006, 18 p.
- Sagitov A.O., Dzhaimurzina A.A., Kopzhasarov B.K., Eszhanov T.K., Amirkhanova N., Kochorov A.S., Nizamdinova G.K., Aitbayev T.E., Iskakov N.S., Manankov M.E. Recommendations for the protection of vegetable crops from pests, diseases and weeds in the south-east of Kazakhstan. Almaty 2012 54 p .
- Sagitov A.O., Dzhaimurzina A.A., Kopzhasarov B.K., Eszhanov T.K., Umeralieva Zh.Z., Slyamova N.D., Sagitov R.K. Recommendation. Cucumber protection system from pests and diseases in the south of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2015, 23 p.
- Sagitov A.O., Dzhaimurzina A.A., Kopzhasarov B.K., Eszhanov T.K., Umeralieva Zh.Z., Slyamova N.D., Zhanarbekova A.B. Recommendation. Tomato protection system from pests and diseases in the south of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2015, 25 p.
- Sagitov A.O., Dzhaimurzina A.A., Kopzhasarov B.K., Eszhanov T.K., Umeralieva Zh.Z., Slyamova N.D., Tupashev K.A. Recommendation. Cabbage protection system from pests and diseases in the south of Kazakhstan. Almaty, 2015, 25 p.
- Kopzhasarov B.K., Dzhumanova Zh.K., Shanimov H.I., Soltanbekov S.S., Omarov E.E., Ageenko A.V. Integrated protection of apple trees from a complex of harmful organisms in the south-east of Kazakhstan. Recommendations. – Almaty. – 2015. – 39 p.
- Sagitov A.O., Dzhaymurzina A.A., Morialieva Zh.Z., Niyazbekov Zh.B., Kopzhasarov B.K. Recommendations for preventive maintenance and localization of bacterial burn foci of fruit crops (temporary). – Almaty. – 2016– – 21 p.
- Sagitov A.O., Kopzhasarov B.K., Dzhaymurzina A.A., Darubaev A.A., Kaldybekkyzy G., Dzhumakhan D.M. Instructions for localization and elimination of bacterial burn of fruit crops in foci of infection. – Almaty, 2016. – 21 p.
- Sagitov A.O., Dzhaymurzina A.A., Kopzhasarov B.K., Eszhanov T.K., Umeralieva Zh.Z., Slyamova N.D., Zhanarbekova A.B. OntustikKazakstanda kazanakty ziyankester men aurulardan korgau zhuyesi. Almaty, 2017 – 26 b.
- Sagitov A.O., Dzhaymurzina A.A., Kopzhasarov B.K., Eszhanov T.K., Umeralieva Zh.Z., Slyamova N.D., Sagitov R.K. Ontustikkazakstand kiyardi ziyankester men aurulardan korgau zhuyesi. Almaty, 2017 – 26 b.
- Sagitov A.O., Dzhaymurzina A.A., Kopzhasarov B.K., Eszhanov T.K., Umeralieva Zh.Z., Slyamova N.D., Turashev K.A. OntustikKazakstanda kyrykkabatty ziyankester men aurulardan korgau zhuyesi. Almaty, 2017 – 24 b.
- Sagitov A.O., Kopzhasarov B.K., Dzhaymurzina A.A., Darubaev A.A., Kaldybekkyzy G., Dzhumakhan D.M. Instructions for localization and elimination of bacterial burn of fruit crops in foci of infection. – Almaty, 2017. – 21 p.
- Dinasilov A.S., Beknazarova Z.B., .Kopzhasarov B.K., Zhunisbay R.T., Islamova R.A., Dinasilova G.A., Sarbasova A.M., Seisenova A.A. Methodological guidance on the identification, localization and elimination of the California shield Quadraspidiotus (Diaspidiotus) perniciosus Comstock. – Almaty. – 2017– – 23 p.
- Sagitov A.O., Dzhaimurzina A.A., Eszhanov T.K., Kopzhasarov B.K., Sambetova T.S. The system of protection of watermelon and melon from pests and diseases in the South of Kazakhstan (Recommendations). – Almaty. – 2017– – 18 p.
- Dzhumanova Zh.K., Kulanbai K.Zh., Soltanbekov S.S., Kadyrbekova Zh.D. The system of ecologized protection of apple trees from harmful organisms with the predominant use of biological means and methods in the south-east of Kazakhstan. (Recommendations). – Almaty. – – 20 p .
- Sagitov A.O., Shlyakhtich V.A., Kopzhasarov B.K., Duisembekov B.A. Darubaev A.A. Recommendations for long-term storage of a trichogram in a state of diapause (Recommendations). – Almaty. – 2017– – 14 p.
- Sagitov A.O., Shlyakhtich V.A., Kopzhasarov B.K., Duisembekov B.A. Kaldybekkyzy G. Recommendations for the formation of multi-age trichogram batches for pest control of agricultural crops –Recommendations) – Almaty. – 2017– – 15 p.
- Oleichenko S.N., Shyntasov T.B., Kopzhasarov B.K., Seisenova A.A., Sarbasova A.M., Kaldybekkyzy G., Esenalieva M.D., Sembaeva A.S., Sagitov R.K. Recommendations on organic technology of growing grapes in the conditions of the South Kazakhstan region. – Almaty. – 2017– – 16 p.
- Kopzhasarov B.K., Oleichenko S.N., Shyntasov T.B., Esenalieva M.D., Sembaeva A.S., Shakerov A.C., Seisenova A.A., Darubaev A.A., Kaldybek D.E., Maidanbekova S.B., Sagit I.N. Technology of accelerated production of perishable, stress-resistant seedlings of fruit crops according to the original modification of the methodology “Knip Baum” in the South Kazakhstan region. – Almaty. – 2017– – 16 p.
Completed and ongoing projects
BP 042 on the topic: “Study of the species composition of harmful organisms of fruit and grape plantations in Kazakhstan”
Topic: “Development of an integrated technology for protecting an apple orchard from a complex of harmful organisms and obtaining a healthy “new plant” Aport by microcloning the best clones of the variety and testing various rootstocks”
- BP 212 on the topic: “Creation of a new healthy apple tree plant of Aport variety by microcloning of approved clones of the variety and selection of rootstocks”
- BTP 212 on the topic: Improvement of integrated technology for protecting apple trees from harmful organisms in the south-east of Kazakhstan
BTP 212 on the topic: To develop a scientifically based system of protection of vegetable crops (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage) from diseases and pests in the south of Kazakhstan - BP 055 GF on the topic: “Studying the biodiversity of harmful organisms of wild-fruit forests, biological protection of apple trees from them by creating new biological products, identifying effective entomophages and substantiating the scientific foundations of phytosanitary resistance of agrobiocenosis for the conservation of genetic resources of wild apple trees in the Dzungarian and Trans-Ili Alatau”
BP 055 GF on the topic: “Establishment of etiology and pathogenesis of the phenomenon of “burn” of fruit crops, study of morphological and biological features of pathogens, environmental factors contributing to its development and development of a system of protective measures against the disease in Kazakhstan”
- 2015-2017 гг. БП 055 ГФ по теме: «Изучение проблемы естественного возобновления дикой яблони Сиверса (Malus sieversii Ldb) в естественных местах обитания (in situ), поддержка и восстановление жизнеспособных популяции в условиях Джунгарского и Заилийского Алатау»
- 2015 – 2017 гг. ПЦФ МОН РК по целевой программе «Инновационное научно-техническое обеспечение фитосанитарной безопасности в Республике Казахстан».
- 2015 – 2017 гг. БП 255 «Создание условий для производства, переработки, реализации продукции растениеводства» по проекту: «Изучение влияния различных форм яблони Сиверса, как подвой и микроклонов на рост и развитие, физиолого-биохимических процессы, устойчивость к главнейшим болезням и вредителям яблони сорта Апорт»
- 2015 -2017 гг. БП 255 «Прикладные научные исследования в области защиты и карантина растений для обеспечения фитосанитарной безопасности Республики Казахстан»
267 BP “Transfer, adaptation and implementation of advanced technologies for the control of quarantine and especially dangerous harmful organisms to ensure phytosanitary safety of the agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan”
- 2021 – 2023 According to the budget program 267 for the NTP project: Development and improvement of integrated protection systems for fruit, vegetable, grain, fodder, legumes and quarantine plants.” Task 4 “Development and improvement of integrated protection systems for fruit, vegetable, grain, fodder, legumes and plant quarantine”.
- 2021 – 2023 BP 217 of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the topic: “Development of technology for biological control of the apple moth Laspeyresia pomonella L. and lepidoptera pests of apple trees using entomophages, pheromones and biologics”
- According to the budget program 267 for the NTP “Development of technology to ensure the safety of the quality of agricultural raw materials and processed products in order to reduce losses in various storage methods”: on the topic “Development of technologies for storing fruits and grapes of varieties of domestic selection in order to obtain organic products”.
Labs of integrated plant protection department

Kopzhasarov Bakyt

Beknazarova Zibash
Head of Entomology Lab

Koigeldina Aygerim
Head of Phytopathology Lab

Yermekbayev Bekzhan
Head of Herbology Lab