Kazakh Research Institute of Plant Protection and Quarantine

Conducts qualified diagnostics and identification of especially dangerous and quarantine pests, diseases and weeds, as well as carries out research on the assessment and control of pesticide residues, registration and production tests of  preparation.

Five laboratories provide the completeness and accuracy of diagnostics (entomology, phytopathology, herbology, molecular genetics and biochemistry, pesticide toxicology).


Laboratory of Entomology

  • Development and improvement of the methods of detection and diagnosis of quarantine pests
  • Creation of recommendations for localization and elimination of quarantine pests’ outbreaks;
  • Conducting advanced training courses, training seminars on plant quarantine, and providing advisory assistance to rural commodity producers;
  • Conducting an entomological laboratory examination
  • Phytosanitary monitoring of agro phytocoenoses and developing protective measures against quarantine pests.

Laboratory of Phytopathology

  • Mycological and bacteriological examinations for the identification of plant pathogens;
  • Improvement of seed material, with the use of protective and stimulating compounds;
  • Determination of bactericidal properties of fungicides and biological products used in plant protection against diseases of crops
  • Organization and conduct of advanced training courses for specialists in the plant protection and Quarantine field to detect and identify agricultural crop pathogens.

Laboratory of Herbology

  • Consultation of agricultural producers on weed vegetation in agrophytocenoses;
  • Dissemination of knowledge (lectures, seminars, Field Days) on weed problems;
  • Development of science-based protective measures against most dangerous quarantine weeds;
  • Carrying out herbological monitoring and developing rationally effective schemes for protecting crops from weeds;
  • Conducting laboratory herbological analysis.  

Laboratory of Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry

  • Identification and rapid diagnostics of plant pathogens by molecular methods: Realtime and Flash PCR, as well as immunofluorescence and enzyme immunoassay methods;
  • Qualitative and quantitative determination of genetically modified organisms (GMOs)of cereals, legumes, oilseeds, other crops, and products of their processing. 

Laboratory of Pesticide Toxicology

  • Determination of residual amounts of pesticides, mycotoxins, heavy metals and nitrates in agricultural products;
  • Determination of the mass fraction of pesticides;
  • Study the toxicity of pesticides for animals;
  • Conducting advanced training courses training seminars on chemical plant protection.


Пшеница, Ячмень, Кукуруза, Рожь, Рис, Бобы соевые, Хлопчатник, Сахарная свекла, Картофель, Капуста, Томаты свежие, Огурцы и корнишоны,Чеснок, Лук, Перец стручковый, Баклажаны, Морковь, Виноград, Яблоки, груши, абрикосы, вишня (черешня), персики, сливы, апельсины, мандарины, лимоны, арбузы, дыни, тыква, Земляника (клубника), малина, смородина, Фрукты тропические и субтропические, Готовые корма для сельскохозяй-ственных животных, Семена льна, Семена рапса, Семена подсолнечника, Семена сафлора, Семена хлопчатника, Мясо свежее говядина, баранина, Молоко сырое


Почва, вода природная (поверхностная и подземная)

Пестициды | Экологическая оценка препарата

Адаптация, апробация и разработки методов контроля (стоимость за один объект)

Сельскохозяйственные культуры, семена, саженцы

Пестициды | Определение токсичности пестицида (для препаративной формы):

Определение токсичности пестицида (для действующего вещества):
Лаборатория биологической защиты растений
Лаборатория молекулярной генетики и биохимии​
Лаборатория токсикологии пестицидов